January / February 2023 F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter


This is the first club newsletter of 2023. Our newsletters are bi-monthly, so our next newsletter will be in April.

We would like to thank Garrett Guard for doing a great job as our 2022 club President. This year our club President is Chris Rolke, along with our directors, Dave Siebert and Dave Mullen.


Congratulations to Ernest McCandless for being the 2022 Club Member of the Year!


Our show dates for our club show “Old Machinery Days” are September 14-17, and our feature this year is “Baker”. This is the 100th anniversary of Baker.

We have decided to raise the weight limit on the Cultivator class from 2,500 pounds to 2,600 pounds.


As you know the club has a program called the “Jump Start Program”, for kids of members 14 to 18 years old that have a project, such as restoring a plow, tractor, lawn mower or any agriculture item, that they might need a little financial help with. If you are chosen, the club will provide 25% of the project up to $500. Please visit our website, www.thefarmclub.org for more information, or contact Jim Hurst at 513-623-4183 or 513-877-2765. This is a wonderful program to help kids get involved with the farm equipment of yesteryear.


Our Tractor Trek tractor ride will be June 17th.  Get those tractors ready!!!!! It will be here before you know it!


Our next club meeting will be March 5th at the Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian Church 9602 Murdoch Goshen Road Loveland, Ohio 45140


If you have any questions, please contact one of our directors:


Chris Rolke: 513-236-8053 or chrisrolke@fuse.net

Dave Siebert: 937-603-4233 or davesiebert77@gmail.com

Dave Mullen: 937-725-9860 or davemullen36@gmail.com

Stephanie Rolke, treasurer: 513-236-0854 or steph217@fuse.net

Regina Flynn, secretary: 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com